Strange behaviour with AddListener inside a loop

Hi! I just wanted to share a strange behaviour that I got while making my game, that might be useful for everyone. So the long story short is that I was implementing a 'roguelike' skill selection screen. I created a method to get some random skills to show. This is the pseudocode for Unity:

Skills[] listSkill;

float[] values;

listSkill = MethodToGetRandomSkills(out values)

for(int index = 0; index < subsetOfListSkill; index++)



    delegate {

            ApplyThisSkillToPlayer(listSkill[index], values[index]);



The problem was related to the delegate part, I was getting bad values, applying different skills and values. Not the one I selected. Then I found this explanation about using 'Addlistener' in a loop:

I tried the local variable fix and it works when I called the method for the first time:

for(int index = 0; index < subsetOfListSkill; index++)


    Skill tempSkill = listSkill[index];

    float tempValue = values[index];


    delegate {

            ApplyThisSkillToPlayer(tempSkill, tempValue);



After other calls of the method, I was getting other strange behaviours. At the end, I solved it by not using AddListener, but storing the selected skills and values in a global array. And calling the method using the 'OnClick' on the Unity Editor, not from the code.

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